Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning Madness

My alarm goes off at 6 in the morning I cut it off and stay sleep til about 6:05 then i get up.But I really got two get up at 6 because it's a lot of people living with me.In like everybody get up at the same time and we only got one bathroom.So it be hard for me to get ready in try to go to school on time.Sometime I be late for school in sometimes I don't but I dont try to be late it's just that by me living in a house with lots of people it's gone be hard to get up in get ready for school.Then I leave out in walk to the bus stop now sometimes the bus be coming late in sometimes it don't,and I take two bus so I might not make it to school on time.I don't never get a ride to school I'm always on the bus so thats another thing.But that is the drama I go through when i get up for school.


Cuddle Buddy 911! said...

Well I think you should get up @ 5:30 so you can be first in the bath room!! And stop stayin up all night on the phone wit that boy!!! lol... jus playin

Ballin said...

Well you need to get up a little bit earlier so you can get in the bathroom so you can get to school on time because i do see you coming to school late

Da Artist said...

try getting up a little ealrier and stop talkin to those boys!

annonymous 18 2009 said...

wow that's mess up i have a friend just like that