Thursday, October 16, 2008

What is the worst thing a parent can do to their child?

The worst thing a parent can do to their child is calling the police on their child for doing something wrong they didn't have no business doing. Why? is because it's not right to call the police on your child for something crazy.I was watching this T.V show in it was about this boy name malik and his friend was acting like they was some bad boys, but they wasn't. In malik daddy had just brought this motorcycle.In he was on the phone talking so he had told malik in his friend to go outside play. They had went outside but they was playing wit his daddy motorcycle. They had got on it in they had started driving it didn't nobody know they was gone. Malik daddy had went to go ride is bike,but when he had went outside he saw that his motorcycle wasn't there. Then he came back in the house in he had got a phone call it was hospital they said that we have your son he had an accident on the motorcycle. When they had got back home Malik had said sorry to his father but that wasn't enough.So malik father had call the police in them to take his son so he can learn a lesson.Malik had a little name jasmine in she was crying because she thought her brother was going to jail.Malik was crying to in he keep saying sorry to his father but his father didn't want to hear it. So don't call the police on your child because they had did something they shouldn't have to do.Just talk to your child tell them what's right and what's wrong.

1 comment:

JRLawson said...

i agree with that some parents take somethings to far...